Portable Appliance Testing
Cork | Dublin | Limerick
PAT Testing

The Safety Health & Welfare at Work (General-Application-Regulations) 2007 sets out general duties for the testing of new and existing PAT Testing installations. Regulation 89 of the legislation states
“An employer shall ensure that—
(a) A new electrical installation and a major alteration of, or extension to,
an existing electrical installation is, after completion, inspected and
tested by a competent person.
(b) an existing electrical installation is tested by a competent person in an
appropriate manner–
(i) from time to time where required having regard to the nature,
location and use of the installation, or
(ii) if an inspector so requires,
and a report of the test is completed by the competent person carrying out the test,
If it has a plug it should be tested to remain compliant with legislation.
Benefits of Portable Appliance Testing - PAT Testing
Meet legislative requirements
Meet fire risk assessments
Meet building insurance requirements
Providing personal safety safety in the workplace
Preventing fire
Portable Appliance Testing Certificate
Engineers Report.